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How can we help?

  • Earning CME with the EM Board Review


    Earn up to 218.25 CME credits in the EM Board Review by watching the video lectures and powering through the Qbank. You can earn CME in the EM Board Review two ways: 

  • First is by completing post-lecture quizzes. After finishing the video lectures in an organ system, test your knowledge and earn CME by passing the quiz with a 70% or higher. Find these quizzes by clicking on "View Progress & Print Certificate" to the right of the course blueprint or by looking for the link below the video lectures.


The second way is by answering questions in the Qbank. For every 12 correctly answered questions, you'll earn 1 CME credit. You can adjust your settings so that incorrect or unanswered questions come up more frequently during your quizzes to continue earning all the available CME. To adjust the Qbank settings, just click on the gear icon at the top of the Qbank page. On the settings page you can choose when to retire questions as well as how often you'd like correctly or incorrectly answered questions to be repeated.

  • When you're ready to claim the CME you've earned, you can print a copy of your CME Certificate either by clicking on "View Progress & Print Certificate" from the course blueprint or "View and Print CME Credits" from your EM dashboard. If the number of CME you have earned is lower than you expected, make sure you've filled out the CME Evaluation for each section completed. This will update the CME tracker to reflect the correct amount of your earned CME.

    If your subscription has expired and you need to print your CME Certificate, please reach out to our Customer Care team and we'll be happy to update your account. You can email us at support@hippoeducation.com or by filling out the contact form on our site.
