The Pediatric Emergency Care Applied Research Network (PECARN) is the first federally-funded multi-institutional network for research in pediatric emergency medicine in the United States. Together, Hippo Education and PECARN are providing free access to chapters on Peds RAP with the goal of disseminating their game-changing research efforts. It's the place to catch the latest in pediatrics in an entertaining, monthly podcast. Listen to the sound of Peds RAP today.
Join Jason Woods, Julia Magaña, and Christopher Rees for another slice of PECARN pie, as they discuss the use of analgesics, specifically intranasal fentanyl, among children with sickle cell disease and vast-occlusive pain.
Join Jason Woods, Julia Magaña, and Katherine Remick for another slice of PECARN pie, as they discuss pediatric readiness. Pediatric readiness is practical with evidenced based processes that health systems, institutions, offices, and clinicians can undertake to improve their ability to care for children.
PECARN has derived and validated another clinical prediction rule, this time for blunt cervical spine trauma. Jason Woods and Julia Magaña sit down with Julie Leonard, the lead author of the June 2024 publication, to review this rule.
During the pandemic, visits for firearm injuries doubled in the U.S. Join Jason Woods, Julia Magaña, and Jennifer Hoffmann as they review the trends of firearm injuries among children and discuss strategies for promoting gun safety in the home.
Jason Woods, Nathan Kupperman, and Julia Magaña are back to review another PECARN study published in Pediatrics in October 2022. Join in as they discuss the association of urinalysis findings and the likelihood of invasive bacterial infection.
Join Jason Woods, Julia Magana, and Angela Ellison, Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Vice Chair of the Department of Pediatrics at Children’s Hospital Philadelphia, as they discuss guidelines for the work-up and management of a febrile patient with sickle cell.
Jason Woods, Julia Magana, and David Brousseau, Professor of Pediatrics and Section Chief of Pediatric Emergency Medicine at the Medical College of Wisconsin/Children’s Wisconsin, discuss the acute treatment of sickle cell disease in the ED or urgent care for patients who present primarily for pain.
Drs. Jason Woods and Julie Magaña discuss the utility of urinalysis in infants <60 days old with Dr. Leah Tzimenatos, Professor of Emergency Medicine at University of California Davis
Did ED encounters of child abuse increase or decrease during the COVID lockdowns? In this bonus COVID piece from Hippo Education and the PECARN Network, pediatric emergency physicians, Drs. Julia Magana and Jason Woods chat with Dr. Barbara Chaiyachati, a child abuse pediatrician at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at University of Pennsylvania.
Jason Woods and Julie Magaña discuss treatment of seizures and status epilepticus in the Emergency Department, with Jim Chamberlain, Director of Data Analytics and Informatics, Division of Emergency Medicine, Children’s National Hospital.
Nathan Kuppermann joins Julia Magaña and Jason Woods to break down their latest research studying severe outcomes in pediatric COVID patients. Get critical insights into what risk factors matter when evaluating pediatric COVID patients, and how this hot-off-the-press study changed these experts’ practices.
Jason and Julia, co-chairs of dissemination for PECARN, discuss mental health screening with Dr. Jackie Grupp Phelan, Chief of Pediatric Emergency Medicine UCSF Vice Chair.
Jason and Julia discuss the diagnosis of pneumonia with Dr. Todd Florin, Associate Professor of Pediatric Emergency Medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.
Sol and Nate Kuppermann continue their discussion of fluid management and risk for cerebral edema in pediatric patients with DKA.
The febrile infant is at risk for infections, but PECARN research has allowed for a simpler evaluation. Sol discusses with Dr. Nate the latest trends in this high-risk population.
Sol continues discussing with Dr. Nick the latest trends in evaluating the risks for infections in febrile infants, and the new research that has allowed for a simpler evaluation.
PECARN data regarding pediatric head injury gives us some evidence-based criteria that can help us risk stratify children in terms of the potential for significant intracranial injury.
Sol and Nate Kuppermann, Professor of Emergency Medicine and Pediatrics at UC Davis, discuss fluid management and risk for cerebral edema in pediatric patients with DKA.
Health care providers across the world have become well-acquainted with caring for those with COVID over the past few years, but what about after the acute illness resolves? Join Nate Kupperman, Julia Magaña, and Jason Woods as they sit down to discuss post-COVID conditions and which children may be at higher risk.
At Hippo Education, we're committed to helping front-line medical professionals remain current, connected, and passionate. Podcasts from Hippo Education are our way to help you cut through the noise by providing meaningful medical education that will change your practice and your life. We know you'll love it. Guaranteed.
Stay up-to-date with applicable learnings for your practice. Our faculty give real-world insight garnered from their own and others’ medical experience in pediatrics.
Be prepared to take on your next shift by listening to experts in the field. Our Peds RAP chapters are perfect for your daily commute or lunch break listening.
Peds RAP is packed with expert-level insight into how to manage those high-stress situations in pediatrics.
"I am almost done listening to my first month of Peds RAP, and I find it transformative. It's direct and concise and gives immediate clinical guidance at the point of care for the pediatrician. As a [really good alternative audio education product] listener for ~ 20 years, I find Peds RAP far superior, more clinically relevant and immediately inviting for the listener."
- Scott J. Cohen, MD
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As a physician-founded, physician-run company, Hippo Education is committed to helping front-line medical professionals like you stay current, connected, and passionate.
Our energy goes toward recruiting the most astute and entertaining educators in medicine. Everything we make is specifically designed for busy medical professionals - it’s concise and segmented into easily digestible pieces to fit into your packed schedule. We believe the very best education is memorable and entertaining.
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