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Video icon Adult EM Bootcamp

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Up to 84.75


Category 1





They say nothing can truly prepare you for practice in the ED. We disagree.
Finally, an online video onboarding course that addresses the “real-world” clinical issues you will face but won’t find in textbooks. Flatten the learning curve and get ahead of the game, no matter what point you’re starting from in your EM career.
Course Outline

emergency medicine

The Practice of Emergency Medicine

  • The Practice of EM
  • Medicolegal Issues in EM
  • The Art of Being an APP in the ED

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Procedural Fundamentals

  • Central venous access
  • ECG interpretation
  • Rapid sequence intubation
  • Suturing technique
  • Ultrasound
  • X-ray interpretation and more



Clinical Approaches

  • Undifferentiated Symptom-Based Approach
  • Disease-Based Approach
You're In Good Company
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Our product is used by healthcare leaders in both primary care and urgent care, such as Vituity and Carbon Health. Join the best in the industry by getting Adult EM Bootcamp today.

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Identify Common ED Mistakes

Add Adult EM Bootcamp Assessment to evaluate errors made by clinicians new to EM. All 100 questions are designed to help you identify the most common clinical mistakes made in the ED and to determine your weak areas. Whether you’re a Medical Provider onboarding residents, or a new grad looking for confidence before his or her first shift, you will be well prepared.

Earn up to 84.75AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)
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Are you a Medical Director?

This course covers everything you want (and need) your onboarding clinicians to know about emergency medicine but don't have time to sit down and teach—from procedural basics to the practical nuts and bolts of how the ED really works. Think of it as insurance to help your new clinicians more readily jump into the rhythm of your well-oiled ED (and keep it that way).

Get your clinicians up to speed on everything they’ll need to know for their first ED shift.  Contact us to learn more.

Meet the Faculty

Vicky Pittman, MPAP, PA-C

Matthew DeLaney, MD

Paul Jhun, MD

What our Listeners Say...
"I loved how the presenters not only incorporated the "by the book" information but also wave in real-life pearls...It was very helpful to go above and beyond what we are thought in school/traditionally and know what to look for in a real patient. I'd highly recommend Adult EM Bootcamp to anyone (new and experienced provider alike)!"
Matthew Valentine, PA-C

Adult EM Bootcamp



What's included?


The only comprehensive curriculum focused solely on the unique challenges of emergency medicine


290 videos (76+ hours of content), created for on-the-go use from your smart device


Earn up to 76.5 AMA PRA Category 1 CME Credit(s)™


One year subscription


100 question clinical knowledge assessment earning up to an additional 8.25 AMA PRA Category 1 CME Credit(s)™

Bundle & Save

Adult EM Bootcamp + ERcast      

Maximize your CME budget with EM bundles expertly curated for you. Save 15% on ERcast and stay sharp in Emergency Medicine. Learn at your own pace and earn up to 112 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™.

Buy Now