MOCA-PEDS Topic Review

The last quarter of 2023 MOCA-Peds is upon us! This month on Peds RAP, we cover two more MOCA topics to help you ace those questions.
In addition to our podcast, Hippo’s MOCA Peds eBook is designed to be used as a resource for general pediatricians who are enrolled in MOCA-Peds quarterly open-book assessment questions. There are 45 chapters covering each of the ABP’s General Pediatrics learning objectives, plus a chapter that reviews each of the featured readings.
We begin to develop the ebook in early August as soon as the ABP releases the objectives for the upcoming year. Each chapter is researched and authored by an experienced pediatric clinician and undergoes a rigorous two-step peer review process by pediatricians. Once all of the content has been finalized our graphic designer creates the finished product - a user friendly, downloadable PDF. The eBook is easy to search by using the table of contents, the keyword index, or via your PDF reader. Many of the chapters also link out to related Peds RAP segments that have previously covered the topic, for a real-world/practical perspective on the learning objective.
Be sure to stay tuned in January for our 2024 MOCA Peds eBook!
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