Magnesium has been making waves in the wellness world, with claims ranging from improved sleep, mood, gut health, and brain function. As healthcare providers, patients often ask us whether magnesium supplementation is a good idea. Is it really...
The red and pink hearts decorating our homes and stores in February remind us not only of Valentine’s Day but also of Heart Health Month. Heart disease is the leading cause of death nationally. To lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, the American Heart Association recommends screenings for risk factors. In 2023, they announced theirnew PREVENT tooldesigned to...
Read moreIt’s a busy Monday morning, and you walk in to see a 4-year-old child for her well check. Her parents mention she’s been more tired and moody lately, but otherwise, she’s a happy, healthy kid—just a bit of a picky eater. So, you check her Hemoglobin level… and it comes back perfectly normal.
Read moreAs an urgent care clinician, I’ve handled my fair share of foreign body ingestions. But nothing quite prepares you for when the patient is your own child. One late night, just as I had finally settled in with Netflix, my seven-year-old son appeared at the top of the stairs—wide awake when he should have been fast asleep. If you’ve read my previous blog about Mycoplasma...
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Creatine has come a long way from being a supplement for bodybuilders and elite athletes. Today, it’s generating buzz in women’s health, aging, and even brain health. Patients are asking about it, and the research is catching up. So, is creatine really worth the hype? Let’s break down what we know, what’s still unclear, and how you can guide your patients.
Read moreIf you’ve ever worked an ED at 3 AM during a holiday weekend, you know what’s coming: a patient visiting from out of town presents with a radiology report that is positive for a DVT. With no hematology or cardiology consults available, no access to the patient’s records, and the clock ticking, you’re left to manage the situation.
Read moreHere’s what I was taught: you are the clinician, and the patient is the patient. Your job is to diagnose and treat. Don’t diagnose or treat friends or family—your emotional closeness could cloud your judgment. And don’t turn patients into friends. Don’t let empathy cross an invisible line. Keep appropriate boundaries.
Read moreWhen I joined a Family Medicine practice in July 2004, fresh out of PA school, I was fortunate enough to share an office space with Dr. Robert Wettach, a 76-year-old GP who had spent decades caring for patients in a small town in southeast Iowa. Semi-retired, he still saw patients a few days a week, but his real passion was storytelling.
Read moreThe “red eye” is a common presenting symptom in primary care, spanning a spectrum of conditions from benign to sight-threatening emergencies. Knowing how to differentiate these conditions quickly is key to providing safe, effective care.
Read moreWinter is here, and patients with URI symptoms are pouring into urgent care. Patient after patient with similar complaints can feel like you’re on rinse and repeat all day long.
Read moreAcute low back pain is one of the most common reasons patients present to the emergency department. Yet, when it comes to evidence-based management, our approaches often feel like “dealer’s choice.” We know NSAIDs are better than muscle relaxers and opioids, but what about topical options?
Read moreMenopausal hormone therapy (MHT) is having a moment, and patients are taking notice. With more women seeking relief for vasomotor symptoms of menopause, the demand for evidence-based conversations and clear guidance is growing. Yet, many of us were taught little about how to prescribe MHT confidently. If you’ve ever hesitated at the prospect of prescribing hormone...
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