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Hippoed Blog » Amber Sheeley, PA-C and Melissa Orman, MD
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Amber Sheeley, PA-C and Melissa Orman, MD

Amber Sheeley, PA-C and Melissa Orman, MD

More from Amber Sheeley, PA-C and Melissa Orman, MD

In the fast-paced world of emergency medicine, healthcare professionals are often viewed as unsung heroes, tirelessly working to save lives in high-stress situations. However, behind the scenes, a silent struggle persists—one that is often overlooked and stigmatized. Physician addiction is a complex issue that demands our attention and understanding.

In the dynamic world of Emergency Medicine, staying up-to-date with the latest clinical guidelines is essential to providing the best possible care for our patients.

The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) has recently released updated guidelines that directly impact our practice in the management of ischemic stroke care, suspected appendicitis, mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) in adults, and acute heart failure syndromes.

With this update, ACEP is collating the results of recent articles, plus providing expert synopsis and commentary in an effort to drive good patient care forward on some really important topics.  Let’s explore these updates and their implications for emergency providers.