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Kaitlyn Almeida, PA-C

Soothing the Burn: Essential Tips for Managing Sunburn

Ah, summer—the season of sun-kissed days and outdoor adventures. But all that sunshine comes with an enemy: sunburn. As urgent care providers, you're no strangers to the aftermath of a day spent under the rays. So, how can you best help your patients recover from sunburn and prevent further discomfort? 

Kaitlyn Almeida, PA-C
By Kaitlyn Almeida, PA-C on
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Off the Hook: Mastering the Art of Fish Hook Removal in Urgent Care

Warm weather is here, and with it comes BBQs, longer days, and plenty of fun in the sun. Unfortunately, it also means more fishing hooks flying into unexpected places—including, occasionally, someone’s skin. This often presents a unique challenge for urgent care clinicians as we debate how to safely remove that stubborn hook and get our patients back to enjoying their day.

Kaitlyn Almeida, PA-C
By Kaitlyn Almeida, PA-C on
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The Secret Weapon Against Button Battery Dangers

As an urgent care PA and a mom, there isn’t much that scares me. My kid could eat a fistful of dirt, and I wouldn’t bat an eye. But there is one thing that makes me jump faster than a small child standing next to my bed at 4 am telling me they have a tummy ache…button batteries.  

Kaitlyn Almeida, PA-C
By Kaitlyn Almeida, PA-C on
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