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Tiffany Proffitt, DO

Let’s Review Direct Oral Anticoagulant (DOACs)

If you’ve ever worked an ED at 3 AM during a holiday weekend, you know what’s coming: a patient visiting from out of town presents with a radiology report that is positive for a DVT. With no hematology or cardiology consults available, no access to the patient’s records, and the clock ticking, you’re left to manage the situation.

Tiffany Proffitt, DO
By Tiffany Proffitt, DO on
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Fiber: Your Best Friend or Worst Enemy? A Quick Guide

We’ve all done it—given patients the standard advice to “increase your daily fiber intake” without a second thought. After all, it seems like a simple, harmless suggestion, right? But what does it actually mean to crank up the fiber, and when should you rethink the recommendation? 

Tiffany Proffitt, DO
By Tiffany Proffitt, DO on
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The Great Debate: Is Inhaled Epinephrine a Friend or Foe for Asthma?

Just because it’s over the counter doesn’t make it safe. 

Tiffany Proffitt, DO
By Tiffany Proffitt, DO on
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