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Vicky Pittman, PA-C

Let’s Get (Sports) Physical

It’s August, which means sports physical season is upon us. Organized sports are an important way for children 6 and older to meet the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity per day. However, it’s important for clinicians to use the sports or pre-participation physical examination (PPE) to identify who can safely participate in these activities and who needs further evaluation before they are cleared to participate.  

Vicky Pittman, PA-C
By Vicky Pittman, PA-C on
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MATE Act and DEA Requirement Explained

In early April, the US Department of Justice sent out an email notifying clinicians of a new opioid-related training requirement for DEA registered-providers. Over the past several weeks, there's been chatter on social media and discussion boards about what this new training is, who needs it, and how to fulfill it. We're here to share that we're working on OUD Decoded: A DEA-Compliant Audio Courseand will make it available by July 2023!


Vicky Pittman, PA-C
By Vicky Pittman, PA-C on
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How to go from good to great in urgent care

As the role of urgent care clinicians continues to expand in the house of medicine and we take on more responsibilities, it’s our job as clinicians to ask ourselves:

Vicky Pittman, PA-C
By Vicky Pittman, PA-C on
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Hippo Live at UCA: A Recap

Hippo has been a longtime partner of the Urgent Care Association (UCA), the trade association that represents Urgent Care clinicians and business professionals. We’ve worked together on several projects over the years, and this year we worked on two new projects: Urgent Care MA Bootcamp, a video-based onboarding program for MAs, and “Hippo Live at UCA”, a dedicated clinical track during UCA’s annual convention. While we are pros when it...

Vicky Pittman, PA-C
By Vicky Pittman, PA-C on
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