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Karen Hovav, MD

Iron Deficiency Without Anemia: The Hidden Diagnosis

It’s a busy Monday morning, and you walk in to see a 4-year-old child for her well check. Her parents mention she’s been more tired and moody lately, but otherwise, she’s a happy, healthy kid—just a bit of a picky eater. So, you check her Hemoglobin level… and it comes back perfectly normal. 

Karen Hovav, MD
By Karen Hovav, MD on
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The ABCs of Early Dyslexia Screening: what the AAP wants you to know

Did you know you can screen for dyslexia as early as age four? Yes, you read that right. If your gut instinct is to say, “Ummm, that’s a reading disorder, and most four-year-olds don’t know how to read, so that makes no sense!” you’re not alone. 

Karen Hovav, MD
By Karen Hovav, MD on
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Drawing a Line: Boundaries in Pediatrics

Picture this: You’re sitting on a white sand beach, enjoying the breeze in your hair and the bright blue skies. You take a deep breath, about to breathe in some much-needed vacation vibes. Suddenly, your phone pings. It’s a message from work. Your patient has an issue and needs your help. 

Karen Hovav, MD
By Karen Hovav, MD on
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When the Flame Runs Low: Burnout in Pediatrics

As pediatricians, we’re trained to take care of everyone else. We care for our patients, their parents, our staff, specialists, and our community. Many of us were drawn to Pediatrics because we’re naturally empathic and enjoy solving problems. But it can be hard to maintain that core sense of mission and joy when we’re dealing with anxious parents, bureaucratic obstacles, clunky EHRs, sick children, and personal life stressors. 

Karen Hovav, MD
By Karen Hovav, MD on
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Attention Pediatricians: Fulfill Your DEA Requirement Here!

Everyone’s buzzing with the news of the DEA’s new opiate training requirement for healthcare providers. That’s right - as of  June 27th, 2023, any physician who applies for DEA renewal needs to certify completion of an 8-hour, one-time training on the treatment and management of patients with opioid or other substance-use disorders. 

Karen Hovav, MD
By Karen Hovav, MD on
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New AAP Obesity Guidelines: Helpful or Harmful?

Chances are, unless you’ve been living on a remote island somewhere, you’ve heard about the obesity guidelines published by the AAP in February of this year. These are the first clinical guidelines on obesity management and treatment in children, and they’re not without controversy! While some have applauded this publication as long-overdue, others worry about overreach and unintended consequences. 

Karen Hovav, MD
By Karen Hovav, MD on
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PFAPA Syndrome: How Many Fevers Are Too Many?

When my daughter was diagnosed with PFAPA (Periodic Fever, Aphthous Stomatitis, Pharyngitis, and Adenitis) syndrome, I wasn’t surprised.  I myself had suffered from a mysterious recurrent fever in my childhood, and at some point in medical school, I pinpointed PFAPA as the most likely cause.  But I was surprised to discover just how common it actually is.  Did you know that PFAPA is the most common type of recurrent fever syndrome in children?

Karen Hovav, MD
By Karen Hovav, MD on
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