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Posts about Primary Care

Fit For Life: Exercise for Healthy Aging

As healthcare providers, we know the many physical benefits that exercise brings—better cardiovascular health, improved mobility, and weight management. But what about the broader benefits of exercise, especially for older adults? It's one thing to prescribe physical activity, but it's another to communicate why it matters, particularly when it comes to enhancing cognitive function, preventing falls, and fostering mental well-being. 

Ashley Greer PA-C
By Ashley Greer PA-C on
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Colorectal Cancer Screening: Practical Tips for Clinicians

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the U.S. While most cases are diagnosed in individuals over 65, rates are rising in adults under 50, making early screening more critical than ever. Screening reduces CRC mortality by catching cancer in its early, treatable stages, yet many patients remain hesitant or unsure of their options.

Katy Vogelaar, FNP-C
By Katy Vogelaar, FNP-C on
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The Magic of Magnesium: What You Need to Know Before Recommending Supplements

Magnesium has been making waves in the wellness world, with claims ranging from improved sleep, mood, gut health, and brain function. As healthcare providers, patients often ask us whether magnesium supplementation is a good idea. Is it really “magic,” or is it just another wellness trend? In this blog post, we’ll break down what the literature says about magnesium, review who might benefit from supplements, and offer practical advice on...

Micaela Bowers, MD
By Micaela Bowers, MD on
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Integrative Medicine: Creatine: Miracle Muscle Booster or Just Hype?

Creatine has come a long way from being a supplement for bodybuilders and elite athletes. Today, it’s generating buzz in women’s health, aging, and even brain health. Patients are asking about it, and the research is catching up. So, is creatine really worth the hype? Let’s break down what we know, what’s still unclear, and how you can guide your patients.

Ashley Greer PA-C
By Ashley Greer PA-C on
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Emotional Boundaries in Medicine: Yay or Nay?

Here’s what I was taught: you are the clinician, and the patient is the patient. Your job is to diagnose and treat. Don’t diagnose or treat friends or family—your emotional closeness could cloud your judgment. And don’t turn patients into friends. Don’t let empathy cross an invisible line. Keep appropriate boundaries.

Suzette Iverson, PA-C
By Suzette Iverson, PA-C on
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Chief Complaint: Differential Diagnosis of Red Eye: When to Refer and When to Manage

The “red eye” is a common presenting symptom in primary care, spanning a spectrum of conditions from benign to sight-threatening emergencies. Knowing how to differentiate these conditions quickly is key to providing safe, effective care. 

Katy Vogelaar, FNP-C
By Katy Vogelaar, FNP-C on
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The Beginners Guide to Menopausal Hormone Therapy (MHT)

Menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) is having a moment, and patients are taking notice. With more women seeking relief for vasomotor symptoms of menopause, the demand for evidence-based conversations and clear guidance is growing. Yet, many of us were taught little about how to prescribe MHT confidently. If you’ve ever hesitated at the prospect of prescribing hormone therapy, this guide is here to help. Here we will provide you with practical...

Micaela Bowers, MD
By Micaela Bowers, MD on
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New Year, New Look—But the Same Hippo You Know and Love

At Hippo Education, our mission has always been simple: 

Empower the people of medicine to learn, grow, and thrive through education and community.

Aaron Bright, MD
By Aaron Bright, MD on
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Winter Skin Care for Patients with Atopic Dermatitis: Key Tips for Clinicians

While winter brings snow, festive holidays, and cozy sweaters, it can also bring dry skin. For patients with atopic dermatitis, or eczema, winter often worsens eczema symptoms due to cold air, indoor heating, and increased exposure to triggers such as stress. To help your patients manage their atopic dermatitis, focus on these three key strategies:

Katy Vogelaar, FNP-C
By Katy Vogelaar, FNP-C on
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Tech in Medicine: Are Smartwatches Changing the Way We Practice?

Smartwatches and other wearable fitness trackers are everywhere—and they’re doing way more than counting steps. These devices now track heart rate variability (HRV), flag irregular heart rhythms, and even record single-lead ECGs. Cool, right? But what happens when a patient walks in with their wrist buzzing and a bunch of data they want us to interpret? Let’s dive into the world of wearables and what they mean for us as healthcare...

Suzette Iverson, PA-C
By Suzette Iverson, PA-C on
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Sweet Dreams Await: The Ultimate Guide to CPAP ordering

Sleep apnea is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality and affects up to 14% of the population, yet it often remains underdiagnosed. In my primary care practice, sleep medicine specialists are frequently booked months in advance, so I've transitioned to diagnosing and managing sleep apnea care directly. This blog shares practical tips for ordering a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine. 

Ashley Greer PA-C
By Ashley Greer PA-C on
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Dang It, Dengue!

Dengue fever has been on the rise all over the world, with more cases than usual in many countries, including the United States. 2024 was a “banner year” for dengue, with up to 400 million cases worldwide and up to a 2000% increase in cases in different regions compared to the year beforehand. While most cases are mild, severe cases of dengue fever can lead to death. It’s important for front-line clinicians who see sick patients in...

Neda Frayha, MD
By Neda Frayha, MD on
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