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Tech in Medicine: Are Smartwatches Changing the Way We Practice?

Smartwatches and other wearable fitness trackers are everywhere—and they’re doing way more than counting steps. These devices now track heart rate variability (HRV), flag irregular heart rhythms, and even record single-lead ECGs. Cool, right? But what happens when a patient walks in with their wrist buzzing and a bunch of data they want us to interpret? Let’s dive into the world of wearables and what they mean for us as healthcare...

Suzette Iverson, PA-C
By Suzette Iverson, PA-C on
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2024 in Review: NP Edition

2024 was a banner year for Hippo Education, as we focused on providing resources that cater specifically to the growing number of nurse practitioners (NPs) entering and advancing in clinical practice. With more NPs taking on essential roles in healthcare, Hippo has made a concerted effort to create practical, high-quality content to support their growth and success. Here are our top three highlights from this year: 

Katy Vogelaar, NP
By Katy Vogelaar, NP on
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Pertussis Primer: What Clinicians Need to Know as Cases Surge

With pertussis cases on the rise, it's time to brush up on best practices for diagnosing, treating, and containing this highly contagious respiratory infection.  Aside from thinking of the song, “Whoop there it is” whenever I hear pertussis, and the fact that it’s one of the only things Azithromycin is still good for, the rest of the details about this disease were buried in the back of my brain! 

Jackie McDevitt-Capetola, PA-C
By Jackie McDevitt-Capetola, PA-C on
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Flu’s Clues

Working in the pediatric ED is a job I absolutely love—well, except between November and March. Every spring, we emerge from the trenches of winter respiratory season, and I somehow forget the endless parade of coughing, sore throats, and snot that dominates our halls.

By Solomon Behar, MD on
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Sweet Dreams Await: The Ultimate Guide to CPAP ordering

Sleep apnea is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality and affects up to 14% of the population, yet it often remains underdiagnosed. In my primary care practice, sleep medicine specialists are frequently booked months in advance, so I've transitioned to diagnosing and managing sleep apnea care directly. This blog shares practical tips for ordering a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine. 

Ashley Greer PA-C
By Ashley Greer PA-C on
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Necessary or Nonsense: Screening for the Suicidal Patient Pt. 2

Across a wide variety of practice environments, the concept of medically screening a patient who presents with suicidal ideation is often a source of friction between the emergency department and psychiatry. In theory, a medical screening exam would help the ED team identify acute medical conditions in patients with co-existing psychiatric pathology, but in reality, local guidelines and protocols can lead to extensive and often unnecessary...

Matthew DeLaney, MD
By Matthew DeLaney, MD on
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Dang It, Dengue!

Dengue fever has been on the rise all over the world, with more cases than usual in many countries, including the United States. 2024 was a “banner year” for dengue, with up to 400 million cases worldwide and up to a 2000% increase in cases in different regions compared to the year beforehand. While most cases are mild, severe cases of dengue fever can lead to death. It’s important for front-line clinicians who see sick patients in...

Neda Frayha, MD
By Neda Frayha, MD on
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Understanding Sialolithiasis: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

What is sialolithiasis?

Kelly Heidepriem, MD
By Kelly Heidepriem, MD on
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Pain and Anxiety Management with IUD Placement: What’s In, What’s Out

IUD insertions have long been known to cause pain, with some patients describing the experience as extremely uncomfortable or even traumatic. Until recently, pain management for this procedure didn’t receive much attention, but that’s starting to change.

Matt Zeitler, MD
By Matt Zeitler, MD on
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The Importance and Challenge of Meeting Pharmacology Continuing Education Requirements for Nurse Practitioners

As nurse practitioners (NPs), prescribing medications is a central part of our daily practice. To maintain high standards of patient care, continuing education in pharmacology is not just recommended but mandatory. However, staying up-to-date with the latest pharmacological guidelines and advancements presents its own set of challenges. Fortunately, new resources like Hippo Education’s Practical Pharmacology: An Outpatient Audio Course are...

Katy Vogelaar, FNP-C
By Katy Vogelaar, FNP-C on
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When Little Lungs Meet a Big Problem: Mycoplasma Pneumoniae

Unfortunately, my son was part of the initial Mycoplasma pneumoniae outbreak that hit in the fall of 2023. We had just returned from a family cruise – bringing back more than just souvenirs. While most of my family tested positive for COVID post-cruise, my son kept testing negative. However, his cough and fever lingered just enough to keep my PA instincts and Mom Radar on high alert. Let’s dive into reviewing a condition that has made an...

Erin Pressley, PA-C
By Erin Pressley, PA-C on
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Toe Walking in Toddlers

Toe walking in toddlers is often seen as part of their learning process and, at times, even considered charming. Who doesn’t love a toddler ballerina on their tiptoes? It’s estimated that up to 5% of toddlers walk on their tippy toes, with some studies reporting rates as high as 24%. But as pediatricians, it’s our job to determine when toe walking is part of typical development and when it requires further investigation. 

Liza Mackintosh, MD
By Liza Mackintosh, MD on
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