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Soothing the Burn: Essential Tips for Managing Sunburn

Ah, summer—the season of sun-kissed days and outdoor adventures. But all that sunshine comes with an enemy: sunburn. As urgent care providers, you're no strangers to the aftermath of a day spent under the rays. So, how can you best help your patients recover from sunburn and prevent further discomfort? 

Kaitlyn Almeida, PA-C
By Kaitlyn Almeida, PA-C on
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Drawing a Line: Boundaries in Pediatrics

Picture this: You’re sitting on a white sand beach, enjoying the breeze in your hair and the bright blue skies. You take a deep breath, about to breathe in some much-needed vacation vibes. Suddenly, your phone pings. It’s a message from work. Your patient has an issue and needs your help. 

Karen Hovav, MD
By Karen Hovav, MD on
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The DDx for Acute Low Back Pain: SOS

It’s summer, and that is officially the season of the weekend warrior. You know who I’m talking about because you see them every week in your clinic. They decided to take on a new gardening project, a strenuous workout or tried water-skiing for the first time in decades, and now, a few days later they come to you with pain in their lower back. 

Katy Vogelaar, DNP, APRN, FNP-C, CNE
By Katy Vogelaar, DNP, APRN, FNP-C, CNE on
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Beyond Delta-9: The Surge of Synthetic THC

In recent years, the landscape of cannabis accessibility has dramatically shifted, not just in conventional dispensaries but in everyday storefronts across the United States. This new wave of products, stemming from the 2018 Farm Bill's legal distinction between hemp and marijuana, has ushered in an era of synthetic cannabinoids like Delta-8 THC, Delta-10 THC, and THCA, which are finding their way into the hands of consumers and,...

Melissa Orman, MD
By Melissa Orman, MD on
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Identifying and Managing Perichondritis in Urgent Care

In the urgent care setting, we often encounter patients with ear pain, a common yet sometimes deceptively simple complaint. However, amidst the myriad of otitis media and cellulitis cases lies a less common and easily overlooked but significantly more serious condition: perichondritis. 

Brett Murray, MD
By Brett Murray, MD on
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The Schoolhouse Rock of Vaccines: From Concept to Clinic

Much like the classic "Schoolhouse Rock" episode, "I'm Just a Bill," we're here to explore how a vaccine goes from a brilliant idea to a lifesaving shot. In this discussion on Peds RAP, Sol and Dr. Paul Offit kicked things off with a playful nod to "I'm Just a Bill," reminding us of the catchy tune that taught us about legislative processes. But this time around, it's all about vaccines!

Jen Janocha, PA-C
By Jen Janocha, PA-C on
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The Hidden Widowmaker

You've seen it countless times: a patient walks into the ED with chest pain, and the EKG isn't screaming STEMI. But in follow-up, they end up having a massive myocardial infarction. What is the hidden culprit lurking behind those non-alarming EKGs? Welcome to the Occlusive Myocardial Infarction (OMI) world, where traditional STEMI criteria fall short, and a new paradigm shifts our approach to acute cardiac ischemia. 

Amber Sheeley, PA-C
By Amber Sheeley, PA-C on
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Cold Water in the Hot Desert: Lessons from Arizona and Heat Stroke Management

But it’s a Dry Heat…

By Geoff Comp, DO FACEP FAWM on
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Boosting HPV Vaccination Rates: Best Practices for Better Clinician Communication

As we enjoy the remainder of our summer but look ahead to the upcoming school year, it’s time to start thinking about those back-to-school physicals and routine immunizations for our patients and our own kiddos.  In this blog post, we will offer insight into two current methods of offering HPV vaccinations to our youngsters and their parents/caregivers and discuss which method improves HPV vaccination rates. 

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Tackling Smoking Cessation: Myth-Busting Edition

It’s hard to help patients quit smoking. Many of us, myself included, received limited training in tobacco cessation and may harbor misconceptions about effective treatments. To clear the air, we invited Michael Baca-Atlas, MD, our addiction medicine specialist, to join us on Primary Care RAP to debunk some common myths about tobacco cessation. Here are some highlights from that conversation.

Suzette Iverson, PA-C
By Suzette Iverson, PA-C on
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Don’t Bug Out! A Guide to Insect Bites & Prevention

Insect bites and stings are a common nuisance during warm summer months when people spend more time outdoors attracting insects with their body heat, sweat, and odor . While most bites and stings are harmless, it’s important to recognize the potential for severe medical conditions.   Here’s a breakdown of common insects and what you might expect from their bites or stings.

Jen Janocha, PA-C
By Jen Janocha, PA-C on
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Legal Lessons: Testicular Torsion - A Case with a Twist

Gastroenteritis is a common urgent care diagnosis, but clinicians tend to default to it because they lack a better explanation for a patient's GI symptoms. Don’t fall into the same trap as a fellow urgent care provider from New York who missed a case of testicular torsion masquerading as a benign GI complaint. 

Kelly Heidepriem, MD
By Kelly Heidepriem, MD on
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