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Necessary or Nonsense: Screening for the Suicidal Patient

Suicide ranks as the 11th leading cause of death in the United States, claiming 48,183 lives in 2021 alone—equivalent to one life lost every 11 minutes. For us, as clinicians, suicide prevention starts in our emergency department, where at-risk individuals often seek help in the days or weeks leading up to a suicide attempt. Unfortunately, in the ED, the opportunity to screen for suicide risk can be overlooked due to high patient values,...

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Potty Training: Practical Guidance for Clinicians

Today, we tackle the topic of potty training, an important milestone in child development that often raises questions for parents. As clinicians, we're well-positioned to offer valuable guidance and support to families embarking on this journey. Let’s explore some practical tips to assist families in navigating toilet training with confidence.

Micaela Bowers, MD
By Micaela Bowers, MD on
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The ABCs of Early Dyslexia Screening: what the AAP wants you to know

Did you know you can screen for dyslexia as early as age four? Yes, you read that right. If your gut instinct is to say, “Ummm, that’s a reading disorder, and most four-year-olds don’t know how to read, so that makes no sense!” you’re not alone. 

Karen Hovav, MD
By Karen Hovav, MD on
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Acute Mountain Sickness

The headache felt like my skull was splitting in half.

Geoff Comp, DO
By Geoff Comp, DO on
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Are the PANRE-LA Emergent Topic Questions Causing You Emerging Anxiety?

On the PANRE-LA topic blueprint, NCCPA lists “Emergent Topics” as 2% of the exam. For many exam takers, these questions are causing headaches due to the lack of  clear guidance on what will be covered. NCCPA lists “Legal, Ethical, DEI” on the blueprint, but no one knows the exact questions, and the specifics can’t be shared. Let’s dive a bit deeper into these three topics to help ease your anxiety and prepare you for whatever might come up.

Katie Iverson, PA-C
By Katie Iverson, PA-C on
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Fiber: Your Best Friend or Worst Enemy? A Quick Guide

We’ve all done it—given patients the standard advice to “increase your daily fiber intake” without a second thought. After all, it seems like a simple, harmless suggestion, right? But what does it actually mean to crank up the fiber, and when should you rethink the recommendation? 

Tiffany Proffitt, DO
By Tiffany Proffitt, DO on
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Things I Do but Should I? – Supportive Care Recommendations for Croup

Micaela Bowers, MD
By Micaela Bowers, MD on
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Pediatric Dental Health: Navigating Halloween’s Candy Craze

Halloween – a time filled with costumes, fun, and, for kids, a seemingly endless supply of candy. While it’s an exciting season for children, it can be a challenge for nurse practitioners caring for pediatric patients. The increased sugar intake can lead to heightened risks of cavities and tooth decay. As nurse practitioners, it’s important not only to understand the dental concerns associated with Halloween but also to educate families on...

Katy Vogelaar, NP
By Katy Vogelaar, NP on
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A Novel Approach to Prevent STIs: Doxycycline PEP

Bacterial sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis, are increasing across the United States. In June 2024, the CDC announced new recommendations for a novel approach to combat this rise by using doxycycline as post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). You may be familiar with using PEP to prevent viral infections like HIV or pregnancy, but this represents a new public health strategy for bacterial infection...

Kim Bambach, MD
By Kim Bambach, MD on
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Pediatric Athlete Injury Prevention

Feel that in the air? Yep, it’s fall sports season! But let’s be honest – these days, it seems like youth sports never really stop. With year-long practices, seasons blur together, and before we know it, our kids haven’t taken a break from organized sports in ages. While the physical and emotional benefits of sports are undeniable, the demands on young athletes are higher than ever. 

Liza Mackintosh, MD
By Liza Mackintosh, MD on
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Time Management Pearls for Clinicians: Optimizing Efficiency

As healthcare professionals, our days are filled with many tasks, such as patient encounters, documentation, and administrative work, not to mention keeping track of a household or family. Time management becomes crucial in ensuring that we provide quality care while maintaining our well-being. In this blog, we'll explore some valuable pearls for efficient clinical time management, and I’ll note some tips that have worked well for me.

Ashley Greer PA-C
By Ashley Greer PA-C on
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Dive In: Deciding on Suture Material for Deep Layer Closures

Selecting the ideal suture material for deeper layers involves careful consideration since specific materials offer varying absorption rates, making them suitable for different wound depths. When speaking with Dr. Christina Shenvi on an episode of ERcast, Dr. Cohen recommended the following suture material options for closing the deeper layers of the skin (buried):

Jen Swisher, PA-C
By Jen Swisher, PA-C on
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