Everyone’s buzzing with the news of the DEA’s new opiate training requirement for healthcare providers. That’s right - as of June 27th, 2023, any physician who applies for DEA renewal needs to certify completion of an 8-hour, one-time training on the treatment and management of patients with opioid or other substance-use disorders.
The countdown to October is on! You’ve already applied for the American Board of Pediatrics General Pediatrics Certifying Exam and are probably in the midst of studying.
Chances are, unless you’ve been living on a remote island somewhere, you’ve heard about the obesity guidelines published by the AAP in February of this year. These are the first clinical guidelines on obesity management and treatment in children, and they’re not without controversy! While some have applauded this publication as long-overdue, others worry about overreach and unintended consequences.
When my daughter was diagnosed with PFAPA (Periodic Fever, Aphthous Stomatitis, Pharyngitis, and Adenitis) syndrome, I wasn’t surprised. I myself had suffered from a mysterious recurrent fever in my childhood, and at some point in medical school, I pinpointed PFAPA as the most likely cause.
But I was surprised to discover just how common it actually is. Did you know that PFAPA is the most common type of recurrent fever syndrome in children?