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Understanding Cataracts: Identifying the Signs and Symptoms

Understanding the signs and symptoms of cataracts is essential for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment planning. Let’s explore the key indicators that can help us as medical providers to identify and address cataracts effectively.

Katie Iverson, PA-C, MPAS
By Katie Iverson, PA-C, MPAS on
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How to Create Broad Differentials: Just CARE

Jen Janocha
By Jen Janocha on
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Chapter Summary: Practical Hepatitis B Breaking News Update


Hippo Education
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New Hepatitis B Screening Recommendations for 2023

We know that chronic hepatitis B infection can lead to substantial morbidity and mortality. While there is no cure, antiviral treatment, monitoring, and liver cancer surveillance can improve outcomes for people living with hepatitis B. Additionally, effective preventative hepatitis B vaccines are available.

Until recently, guidelines recommended that only people at high risk of infection be screened for hepatitis B virus (HBV). Under that...

Matt Zeitler, MD
By Matt Zeitler, MD on
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How to go from good to great in urgent care

As the role of urgent care clinicians continues to expand in the house of medicine and we take on more responsibilities, it’s our job as clinicians to ask ourselves:

Vicky Pittman, PA-C
By Vicky Pittman, PA-C on
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Chapter Summary: UCA live: Good to Great

Urgent care providers often find themselves caught between acting like an emergency room provider and a primary care provider all at once.  When patients' complaints are categorized as somewhere in the middle, it’s on us to make sure they have the best possible outcome.  So what can we do to take these visits from good to great? Hosts Sarah, Vicky, and Matt give us tips to throw in our toolkit to elevate the patient experience.

Hippo Education
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PFAPA Syndrome: How Many Fevers Are Too Many?

When my daughter was diagnosed with PFAPA (Periodic Fever, Aphthous Stomatitis, Pharyngitis, and Adenitis) syndrome, I wasn’t surprised.  I myself had suffered from a mysterious recurrent fever in my childhood, and at some point in medical school, I pinpointed PFAPA as the most likely cause.  But I was surprised to discover just how common it actually is.  Did you know that PFAPA is the most common type of recurrent fever syndrome in children?

Karen Hovav, MD
By Karen Hovav, MD on
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Chapter Summary: Periodic fever, aphthous stomatitis, pharyngitis, and adenitis (PFAPA) syndrome

Karen Hovav, MD and Solomon Behar, MD

Hippo Education
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The Whole-Food, Plant-Based Diet

As primary care clinicians, we play a crucial role in helping our patients make healthier food choices. But with all the contradicting information out there, sifting through nutrition evidence can be daunting. One diet that has evidence for helping prevent disease and promote better health is a whole-food, plant-based diet.

This diet focuses on eating whole grains, fruits and vegetables that have undergone minimal processing. Studies have...

Neda Frayha, MD
By Neda Frayha, MD on
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Chapter Summary: Whole Food Plant-based Diet

Kristen Gialo DO, Neda Frayha MD

Within the field of Cardiology, primary prevention of heart disease is an area that is just MADE for primary care clinicians. What do the guidelines say, and how can PCPs best put them into action with our patients? Academic cardiologist Dr. Stan Liu is back for a helpful primer on the primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease for the PCP.

Hippo Education
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The one-stop shop for clinical year success

PA Students, the clinical rotation year is an exciting and challenging time, as you’re finally able to apply all that you’ve learned in the didactic year to real-world patients. On the other hand, this year is also stressful and can feel overwhelming with all the changes and newness.

For over a decade I’ve been on PA faculty, and every year, the start of the clinical year brings up the same emotion in all of my students. I think the proper...

Katie Iverson, PA-C, MPAS
By Katie Iverson, PA-C, MPAS on
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Hippo Live at UCA: A Recap

Hippo has been a longtime partner of the Urgent Care Association (UCA), the trade association that represents Urgent Care clinicians and business professionals. We’ve worked together on several projects over the years, and this year we worked on two new projects: Urgent Care MA Bootcamp, a video-based onboarding program for MAs, and “Hippo Live at UCA”, a dedicated clinical track during UCA’s annual convention. While we are pros when it...

Vicky Pittman, PA-C
By Vicky Pittman, PA-C on
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